A very simple yet blunt insult / rebuttal
(person 1) Hey brother! How the fuck you doing today? Wanna come hang out for a while dude?
(person 2) die
by dtraeger October 15, 2005
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A german word meaning "The" for feminine and plural nouns in the nominative case . Pronoinced as (di:), not (dai) as said by many Americans.
Die Hunde sind große.
by Gebirgsjäger August 20, 2009
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pass away
pass on
lose one's life
breathe one's last
meet one's end
meet one's death
lay down one's life
go the way of all flesh
go to one's last resting place
go to meet one's maker
cross the great divide
slip away
give up the ghost
kick the bucket
buy it
turn up one's toes
cash in one's chips
bite the big one
check out
buy the farm
depart this life
join the choir invisible
shuffle off the mortal coil
hop the perch
run down the curtain
by Mystic_Snowfang July 18, 2008
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a word used by nigerians, it means forget about the current issue or kill the matter.
John: Man I'm so angry i can kill a lion with my bare hands

Jude: die it!
by bobby freeman April 18, 2010
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