When you pass your finger inbetween your arse cheeks and wipe it on someones upper lip.
i devestated tashas face when i gave her a squiffy.
by DarrylLewis1990 July 11, 2008
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The appointed time of a day to consume numerous alcoholic beverages to the point of inebriation.
by mphl March 10, 2009
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1. When something goes wrong.

2. When someone is acting strangely.
1. "Have you looked at my website?"
"Nah, can't, my internet has gone all squiffie."

2. "Have you seen Dan around? He's been acting really squiffie lately."
by Kat H of the Sheffield August 9, 2008
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incredibly, unreasonably drunk
by whiteravn2 February 9, 2022
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