Someone that cannot own the mistakes instead gets to manipulate people and make everyone feel sorry for her. Spineless is when they act like your friend and talk behind your back. Spineless people has no moral respect and are usually very selfish people
See that Nicole the spineless cunt is at it again... No wonder he run away from the stalker.

Why dosnt she say it to my face and be honest.. how spineless
by Cuntchat December 20, 2018
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-person who is completely reckless in their mating choices. One who does not understand the repercussions of having a relationship. They will date the first person who gives them the time of day, even if they already have several other people lining up to date them, or the opposite.

-a complete kiss ass to their dating partner
Jim is dating Susan even though he knows she is only with him for his money, he must be very spineless.
by ArousedPopeye February 8, 2015
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Sometimes when you are walking down a path in the woods you might come across a spineless turd, hanging by the mushrooms. They are found in the north eastern region of the US and often have a hard outer shell as such of a beetle. Despite their well known name, they do indeed have a spine. If you see one be careful, they tend to fly down your throat and get stuck when you use the toilet, so only your rectum juices come out. THEY CAN BE DOMESTICATED if taken to a trainer by the name of Agayis Caluca, contact at 774-368-2278
I think I have a spineless turd stuck in my rump.

Check it out bros, theres a rad spineless turd over there by those poisones mushrooms. Oh so cool!
by Cassandra Hayes June 16, 2017
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Spineless Bastard: The worst kind of person, pretends to be your friend but, he'll never initiate ANYTHING not even a conversation. If you don't talk this person won't talk. If you don't ask him to hang out, he won't hang out and if you want to confront such a person don't bother trying because this person won't take you seriously ever. This type of person is not to be taken seriously, the only way you can take such a bad person is as a joke because if you take them seriously they will manipulate you. Theses people have no life and they accept the fact, and so they try to bring everyone down with them. It's possible for a spineless bastard to get better, but the only way that's possible is to leave them and never hang out with them and if they try to hang out with you then they may be better. But then again they could just be doing that so they can manipulate you into doing what they want or they may want to bring you down like the selfish assholes they are. Always be careful because these kinds of people act like they're normal but they are just trying to manipulate you or bring you down.
A Spineless Bastard would do this to a teenager
Teenager: I keep trying to tell my friend to stop being so down all the time but, all he does is get extremely angry at me...
Dad: Well son this is what I like to call a spineless bastard
by J Man123 December 13, 2014
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A woman(or wife) who habitually lies in order to keep the real man in their life to pay their bills(or hand out money) and provide a feeling of safety/stability, while they continue to maintain a relationship with another guy who's a weak spineless emo puppy dog. The reasoning behind this is the real man is steadfast, strong and gives respect when given, while the other lame emo loser is easily controlled, a professor of love serenades and would literally eat a mile of the "spineless cunt"s shit to lick her asshole. The Spineless Cunt is the lowest form of life, for she can never make a real decision, maintain a solid foundation of integrity or generate enough good karma to walk about everyday life with true inner fullfillment and grace. Even worse, the emo men she chooses are unattractive with greasy acne, excessive body hair, snaggly crooked teeth and droopy down syndrome eyes. The fact that people like this can continue to walk the earth stealing oxygen from good honest people is appalling, and should be a crime.
Kayla(Spineless Cunt) goes with Sam on dates to nice restaurants, and other fun and pricey venues of entertainment, all the while she guards her phone texting or sexting Thomas, who continuously tells her how amazing she is, and that he wants to make a shrine consisting of her toe nail clippings. VOMIT
by hatingallwomencuzof1 March 30, 2011
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A pathetically cowardly manager that never stands up for himself and/or his employees. spinelessmeatbagmanager
My manager is such a spineless meatbag!
by Freezulu February 27, 2007
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