when your watching a movie on your laptop, with your boyfriend or girlfriend, on full screen, you press space bar to pause it to have sex.
by fuckfacekilla June 23, 2008
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Things and events existing and moving in linear fashion. They move from one place to the next place in logical sequence in time and space. This realm is known as the time-space continuum.
Example 1: Cyberia warps the time-space continuum in that you can read about events out of chronological sequence and from anywhere, at any time on the Internet.

Example 2: The study of quantum physics considers how linear reality really is, calling into question the validity of the perception that all things fall into sequence according to the time-space continuum.
by MsLi December 11, 2005
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the forbidden predominant space time continuum bending, soul snatching, reality distorting, quintuple ultra seal vacuum, Gwak gwak twister gobble double bubble blowie combo wombo beyond infinity procedure.

is simply destruction
Some slut: I will now preform the forbidden predominant space time continuum bending, soul snatching, reality distorting, quintuple ultra seal vacuum, Gwak gwak twister gobble double bubble blowie combo wombo beyond infinity procedure.

Everything: Dead
by RickyBobTosun May 5, 2021
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