an adjective used to describe anything. meaning varies with tone and facial expression. not to be confused with "soupy", the adjective used to describe something soup-like.
Jesse: This pizza is so soupy!
Kate: I know it's delicious!

Kate: Ugh, that history test we just had was the soupiest!
Jesse: God I know right? So boring!

Jesse: Hows it going there, Kate?
Kate: Sort of soupy. There's nothing to do.
by Skillet and Biscuit October 12, 2010
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Refers to the warm wetness of the female vagina
You wouldn't believe how soupy she was!
by Joroboto November 1, 2007
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Im on my way to the soupy to get some crack from Mr. Ducketts.
by AVA4life July 1, 2020
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Something that is funky, but not in a good way.
What was he thinking? Those shoes are so soupy!
by soupybeavers July 19, 2018
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A cured meat snack, eaten in the coal regions of Pennsylvania
Imma bout to eat me some soupie, bott
by xxwickedxlovelyxx May 13, 2020
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A form of diarrhea that causes the toilet water to be cloudy and soup like.
After I ate your mom's lasagna I had The Soupies for 3 days.
by AAllenIII March 3, 2011
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A soupy is a man or woman who has a poor capacity for alcohol. Also a substitute for the word "crap" or "shite".
Did you see yer man last week fallin about the place after 3 pints. Hes such a soupy, so he is.

The titanic. What a soupy film.
by Lord Montgomery May 23, 2007
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