A master pimp daddy G drug lord, who only deals the purest crack. Also rules over a large prostitute black market. Known to have unexpected, violent tendencies.
Example 1:
Tim: Hey man, do you know where I can get some crack and sex?

Henry: Yeah, just go buy some from Snow Snorter.

Example 2:
James: Watch out! Here comes Snow Snorter, he'll F you up!

Joe: Oh no!!

Snow Snorter: Die bitches! (Blasts them wit his fowty-fo)
by BtwCloverFtw November 12, 2010
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When you have to take a shit and you fart right before the shit sprays all over your ass
Oh man I've got a squelchy snorter
by Datbadasskid April 8, 2016
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The inevitable self-loathing and regret that follows in the days after a cocaine binge.
Friend 1: "How you feeling today pinocchio?"
Friend 2: "Fuck me lad. Terrible. Snorters remorse has proper kicked in,"
by Mrrobot7891 August 7, 2020
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An extremely long and low toned fart that is usually odorless.
I was watching TV when Tim up and let the deepest buck snorter I've heard in months, and I'll be danged if it aint stanky.
by Zodiack November 18, 2004
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A prestigiously loud and potent fart.
A look of embarrasment spread across his face as what he thought would be a silent fart turned into a right rip snorter.
by Mick the Master Farter March 8, 2010
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a bitch so fucking dumb, so fucking slutty and grimey that she doesnt even know what hole to put the dick in, so instead of cock sucker, shes a goddamn cock snorter.
"dont even try to get with that cock snorter shes so loose it would be like fucking a bowl of jello"

"I slapped Tamisha right across her cock snorting face!"
by marisssaaaaa July 5, 2006
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"Yeaah, I know why that snorter's headed to the bathroom..."
by C Ambrose December 14, 2006
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