Phonetic pronunciation of acronym "SHG", or "shaved head and goatee". The reactionary 'non-conformist' male look for the 90s that carries over to today in which, ironically, everyone looks exactly like each other. Backwards baseball cap and ear stud remain optional.
Girl 1: How was the singles night?
Girl 2: Nothing but shugs.
by Al Peterson June 2, 2005
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Last week me and my honey shagged. Tomorrow we are gonna engage in a wild shug fest!!!
by Jacomba March 2, 2004
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to go to the toilet whilst not fully awake and certainly not in the toilet.
Willison was shugging again last night !!
by getoutofbedtowee July 8, 2009
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Abbreviation for sugar. Also a name.
Used in the Pulitzer Prize winning novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker.
Here be Shug Avery. Old friend of the family.
by Reecee-Reece August 23, 2010
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Shugged- when person A goes for a handshake and person B goes for a hug. The result is an awkward shake and half a hug.
Betty saw an old coworker named Bob. Bob goes for the hug and Betty goes for the shake, resulting in Bob being shugged by Betty.
by Peter Picklings April 26, 2013
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to furtively masturbate; to hastily pleasure oneself when discovery is imminent or likely.
Wally quickly began shugging when his roommate left for class.
by Bostwick June 15, 2004
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