what the wife of john kerry said to a reporter.
Reporter: Tell me, Mrs. Kerry, how do you feel about your husband running for president?
Mrs Kerry: Shove it.
by OOLIA July 29, 2004
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A vagina. So named because it is a place where a lot of shoving occurs.
Hey mom, thanks for plopping me out of your shove.

I'm tired of these loose bitches, I want a girl with a nice, tight shove.
by fjorg October 9, 2009
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a word when you are angered at your friends and you simply want them to “shove it
Ryan, shove it!”
by livvvvvvvvv05 August 5, 2019
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A skate trick where the skater does an ollie and uses his/her feet to spin his/her board 180 degrees before landing on it. Also called "pop-shove-it."
You should be able to ollie over a deck before trying to pop shove-it.
by fakie to face-plant April 4, 2004
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Adjective, Pronounced like "lovely". A feeling of agitation with an individual to the point you would like to hit them over the head with a shovel a la Norman Bates and Mother in Psycho. Similar to stabby but swap knives for shovels.
"Johnny was really getting at me today, staring at his screen with that blank look while our server was down again... i felt myself getting all shovely, wanting to drive his goofy head straight through the screen."
by treetop1500 May 10, 2010
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When a chick takes her fingers (or dildo etc) and shoves it up her pussy producing the same effect as sex
Man, look at that chick shoving herself....

man: what were you doing last night?
woman: i was shoving myself
by Ryder_69 January 11, 2006
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the past tense of the verb "to shave"
I grew tired of my sexy beard, so i shove it.
by shovenmaster222 November 4, 2011
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