a show about 3 hookers and their mom
did u watch sex and the city last night

no i dnt watch porn with a plot
by symple jack March 14, 2009
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What feminist girls watch religiously, secretly wishing someday their life will turn out like the characters on the show. The show portrays independent women who take charge. Despite the show being grossly innacurate, it makes women really snobby and difficult for their unfortunate boyfriends.
I am a strong woman, I am independent. Like those girls on sex and the city.
by Brian Leeon January 16, 2006
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Dangerously addictive HBO show about the sexual adventures of 4 middle aged Manhattan whores.
I wish I had HBO so I could wack off to those NYC sex loving bitches every Sunday.
by Maguire September 5, 2003
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The annoyingly wrong way to spell "Sex AND the City"
Kim: I LOVE that HBO show "Sex in the City"
Jane: Ummm its called "Sex AND the City"
by Carrie from SATC October 25, 2006
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Ass-faced show full of one bar star after another zealously trumpeting the wine-slugging virtues of sluts world-wide.
One can easily find malnourished, vapid sluts gleefully spreading STDs with any orifice possible if one rents a copy of Sex and the City.
by JesusHatesSluts September 7, 2006
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An HBO series which follows around count chocula, her 3 yuppie friends and their sexcapades in NYC.
Some say carrie from sex and the city looks like a foot, I say she looks like that dracula dude from that cereal.
by Arcade23 May 19, 2010
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An HBO show that was aired for 6 seasons, that started out light hearted, and became deeper as you got to know the 4, 30-something year old, NYC bachelorettes and their many relationships. Very addicting and a great show overall.
Miranda went out with an overeater and he overate her.
by Caity333 May 20, 2005
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