Feeling dirty inside when you wake up in the morning after a night out. Not quite hungover, but almost.
I feel way too seedy to go anywhere today.
by pessimisticoptimism June 12, 2006
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A term used to describe marijuana which contains either an unusually high count of seeds per bag, or a bag which contains an unacceptable amount of seeds.
I was told this was good stuff, but I don't know. It looks kind of seedy.
by eminentarson April 9, 2009
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"I aint touching that it looks ssseeeeeeedy!"
by Dave May 9, 2003
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Adj. Used to described a dirty, infectious place. From the term 'seed' used to describe semen.
Don't sit there; it looks seedy.
by NyQ February 14, 2005
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Typically a Dublin slang word for suspicious, or something fishy going on, typically in a group of minorities doing illegal things underage.
"Here lads, sum's pure seedy's goin on der."
by joshcoresan August 10, 2015
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Phil is so damn seedy in this photo!
by big trev September 3, 2008
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Being 'seedy' is the result of smoking lots of weed from last night.

Australian slang
Dude last night i had 10 cones, im feeling so seedy rn
by massiveslayerpeen69 March 10, 2020
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