You better watch it punk, or I'll rock sock, your mama's cock!
by D'Shay March 7, 2003
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A overused phrase. Mainly used by Imposter Hipsters who think saying it means they are so called "cool." Many people use the phrase occasionally (which is okay when used in moderation. Imposter Hipsters include the people who lable theirselves as goth, emo, or punk, when in fact they actually are scene kids looking for attention.
Hipster Imposter: "Like oh my gawd! I like totally like that band. They like totally Rox my sox (aka Rocks Socks)!!

Person who is their own self: "Do you even know the band's name or who plays in it? Name one non-mainstream song."

Hipster Imposter: "Uh, oh my gawd! I totally don't know."

Person who is their own self: "Exactly what I thought."
by People can be so hilarious! March 18, 2007
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rock in socks are breasts that have lost the ability to hold themselves up. these breasts give the appearance that they are nothing more than a rock placed inside a tube sock hanging from one's chest
mike klein's mom has rock in socks.
by kristo January 27, 2004
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Guy 1: Betty got rocked and socked at the party last night!

Guy 2: rocked and socked?
Guy 1: Betty snorted cocaine and then got fucked
by Goose2121 July 17, 2015
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Campaign to raise awareness of testicular cancer. Thought to be first used in the US by Testicular Cancer Awareness Network before gaining popularity in Europe. ROCK the SOCK, Sock on a Cock, Cock in a Sock and many others used this in a movement to raise money and awareness of testicular cancer.
Testicular Cancer Awareness Network caused a worldwide movement with their ROCK the SOCK campaign!
by Scot Mac Ruaid hri April 5, 2014
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The horrible effects of gravity on a woman's breasts resembling tube socks filled with rocks.
I saw this old lady sunbathing at the beach the other day with her ugly ass rocks and socks hanging out.
by c. shane t. July 15, 2006
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