Radi is something that a fat ass latina puts up her ass and strokes it on a daily basis
Oh i need to get that radi thats under my bed and stroke it to relieve stress
by Cockslapper3000 November 16, 2020
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an e-girl wannabe who cares about no one but herself.
That girl is such a Radie.
by HeatPeasent96 October 15, 2020
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A successful rapper about to feature with Rajan and Drake- potentially.
Why are you such a radi? Bro u took a hour? That's such a radi thing to do
by RAH-D October 15, 2018
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Dirty bitch, never showers. Usually goes around school galloping or on all fours hissing.
Person 1: What’s that stench!
Person 2: Probs Radi
by SheilaBriginshaw October 6, 2020
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A Cooder Radis is used to describe a male baby boy who is so cute he is indescribable as comparing him to a seriously adorable furry baby bunny.
What a Cooder Radis, baby boy I love you!
by 88orila July 12, 2021
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Radi-Chloe's, also known as Chloe fans, are hardcore fans of dancer Chloe Lukasiak. They are crazily obsessed with her, act like she is some sort of angel that fell from heaven who can do no wrong, and they attack anyone who breathes a bad word about her. Due to their insane jealousy, they are, more often that not, Maddie haters.
Person 1: Chloe was a little late on that jump.
Radi-Chloe: HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?! Stop hating on an INNOCENT little girl!

Person 1: Okay...
by thatgirl67575 March 18, 2016
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n. when you change the radio station or current CD track every ten seconds because the song "doesn't have the right beat"
As Christine kept flipping through songs after the first two notes, we all started wondering if she suffered from radi-HD.
by Norm Al Lee January 2, 2009
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