A relationship built out of convenience rather than actual affection.

A guy's roommate is dating some girl, and she keeps bringing her friend over, so he and the friend hook up. He doesn't really like her, but she's always just around, so what the hell.

Compared to, if you wake up the morning and you want to eat something really good or healthy, but you find out there's a plate of pizza rolls left in the microwave for you, you sort've give up on the effort of something you want and just eat the crap, because it's convenient and there.
Oh, they're not dating. She just always shows up. That bitch is just pizza rolls to him.
by Captain Temerity March 10, 2011
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For many centuries man has searched the snack of the gods. One day pizaro prayed for the snack and God sent it down. Pizaro named it Pizza rolls because of it's thick luxorius bread and sweet savory tomato sauce and it looked like his balls. Pizaro wanted to share it with the world so he gave it to tostinos to create the magnificent treat. Today tostinos makes them 24/7 and 90 people were fired stealing rolls.
Every day I wake up to the sweet sound of pizza rolls in my ass
by EpicGuyDerDictionary November 3, 2016
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What are ya eating?
Oh you know, the holy food, pizza rolls.
by Jbuckk May 20, 2015
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The act of rolling your limp penis up, then hitting your whore with it.
Dude John totally gave that whore a Pizza Roll.
by Kock Blaster December 31, 2011
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1. A dance move preformed by the obese or over weight.

2. What you shout at a fat person dancing.

Pizza Roll - Shouted at a fat person dancing "Pi-zza Roll!"

Ugh this fat guy was all over me at the club, like I wanted to see him Pizza Roll.
by Lloydx0x0x0x March 4, 2009
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I’m gonna pizza roll you girl. Insert a rolled pizza into a girls downstairs, and eat the pizza till you reach the bottom. Than the desserts waiting for you.
He girl, just called dominos. Would you let me do a pizza roll on you?
by Jdawg in da house September 2, 2023
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A funny girl who will always have a hilarious answer to any question you have.
Hey Pizza Rolls! Where does the bus stop in fron of your house go to?" "Oh, that? It goes to KFC" "Hahahaha classic Pizza Rolls!
by erics & teps June 18, 2011
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