Oran is a rare ginger alien. However he is smart but not a nerd also strong and athletic he likes to try and chase girls but is clapped as fuck so crys himself to sleep
Oran is a ginger alien-louise Newnham
by Hahaha mtb lige July 28, 2019
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Ni un robot, ni une meuf
Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Orane :)
by Theooooooo May 30, 2020
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1) Oran - short for 'Oranoco' from The Wombles.
2) Shorthand version for an orange.
3) A fit guy
1) Good old Oran was on last night, man I love the wombles.

2) 'Pass me an oran would ya?'
Friend passes an orange
'Cheers, I love a good oran'

3) 'Check out that Oran'
'He's gorgeous!'
by zxy November 13, 2007
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This is the preferred sex by Matt and Luke. To perform oranal sex, you must use piglers. The first step to oranal success is partaking in anal sex, or as Luke and Matt call it, FUDGE PACKING! Then, you whip the pigler out of the poop chute and perform oral sex on the pigler that provided the anal pleasure. Luke and Matt call oral sex SUCKING PIGLER-POP! But, keep in mind you must make the transition from step one to step two quickly, because the desired effect is the flavor of the pigler, a bold poop flavor. And, on a good day, the bold poop flavor will be accompanied by a rich corn taste. But, sorry ladies, oranal sex can only be enjoyed by the boys!
Luke asked his mom if Matt could come over to watch his fabulous collection of Chick-Flicks, including, Mona Lisa Smile, You've Got Mail, Kate & Leopold, Titanic, Moonstruck, The English Patient, Tea With Mussolini, Notting Hill, and When Harry Met Sally, and during the sex scene in Moonstruck, Matt gave Luke the most desirable look which let Luke know that it was time for oranal sex, because that is their favorite kind of sex.
by Madilyn Ortega July 25, 2004
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An absolute ginger fat fag who blown men from east to west (fraser) he was born in Iraq and has a tendency to explode on impact
Oh no. Oran blew up again whoopsie.
by Oran gay(fraser) September 9, 2019
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an oran is someone who doesnt have cakes at all and is crust hella!!
That is sure an oran.
by crustnotbuff June 14, 2008
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An act of supreme ignorance or stupidity, but will often not be caught due to its often hidden or unimportant nature
Tom: Did you hear how Steve pulled an Oran on his term paper?
Oliver: No, what did he do?
Tom: Apparently, he accidentally typed 'fuck' in the middle of the paper and the teacher caught it - gave him an F
Oliver: Yea, that's pulling an Oran all right
by woojow7 February 18, 2010
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