My Ex was and still is OCB....
by muthah December 8, 2006
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Look at the OCB on that menopausal white trash biatch.

Wife, when you're done ironing my shirt you really should hit the ab roller and get rid of that OCB.
by Reefer November 13, 2003
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established in new jersey, ocb is a group of rowdy friends who live for the weekend. they have one goal and one goal only. to get fucked up. its all about brotherhood. they stand by eachother and live every night like it was there last. outta control ballers till death.
kid 1 = those kids r fuckin wild as hell. they drink beer like tanks

kid 2= no shit. there fuckin ocb's.
by ocb #17 December 5, 2008
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Abbreviation: Obsessive Compulsive Balls Disorder
A person who is obsessed with sport, primarily ball games but not limited to them. An OCB will do many sporting activities, multiple times a week, and a full-on OCB may even do multiple sports a day. They will be part of as many teams as possible and will take each activity very seriously but time, effort and energy into it.
Felix: Woahhhh, watch India run!
Muna: Hmm... Must be a real OCB.

India:.... I'm not an OCB! I've only done 5 sports today.
by Youtickleft March 15, 2014
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Obsessive compulsive boyfriend. A boyfriend that is really protective of his lady and hardly ever lets her out of his sites.
"Damn. Josh is being such and OCB im thinking about dumping him."
by zamalzia18 May 30, 2009
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Fat chicks. Ocb= old country buffet. Likely to be found at all you can eat buffet establishments. Term originates from a neighborhood in PG county Maryland.
Aye mane you see that shawties over there? They some OCB hunnies like shit mane.
by dctwin821 January 10, 2014
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Oatmeal Cookie Boobies - if you bring a glass of milk to bed with you and your nipples look like oatmeal cookies
Holy shit, did you see her OCBs?
by stephhh17 November 30, 2014
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