How can you fucking spics fit so much spics in your van that shouldnt hold that many people, you crazy spics really beaner-packed that van.
by glock9mm April 23, 2009
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Originates from the phrase "No speak English" which from a Latino's mouth sounds like "No spick English". It's used as a derogatory term to insult Hispanics, as it also originates from a shortening of the word "Hispanic". Is viewed by the Latino culture as highly offensive.
by Seth_underground_ May 11, 2008
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spic: a racist word toward hispanics. Usually when one thinks of spics he thinks of the american sterreotype of a hispanic. just like a white stereotype is a caucassion airhead who eats hotdogs and burgers all day. its not necessarly true its just another word to discriminate a person for being born in another country.
yo by the way "spic" cannot, at any means, be used as a word of affection.
by E.N.V.Y. August 20, 2003
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An ignorant hispanic; Similar to the word nigga (an ignorant black person)
1. Hey, that spanish guy stole my bike.
2. That damn spic
by Dub-Fresh December 22, 2006
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Person of Hispanic descent, usually present in the United States illegally, who supposedly came for a better quality of life; but who, in actuality, only imported third world living conditions and display no intention whatsoever of contributing to the society they invaded. For example, refusing to even attempt to achieve legal citizenship status, refusing to learn English, engaging in criminal activity, and behaving as if they're justified in all of these insults because of an idiotic notion about Aztlan (see: made-up fairytale bullshit used to justify racist idiocy.) and because left-wing dipshits tell them these things are all acceptable (tacitly giving American citizens and LEGAL immigrants the finger when they do so.)
Examples are self-evident nationwide, none is needed here. You know what a spic is and whether you like it or not, you know the term is accurate for tens of millions of people illegally present in the U.S.
by Evil HST November 3, 2008
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1.) A mexican

2.) A latino that won't speak English in America and expects support and interpreter if needed for Spanish. (Liberals love catering to these)

3.) A word to fuck around with your Latino friend.
1.) Dat wetback spic just dun come over texsis bordeh, Jimmy bo Bob Billy, go be getting my pista whill a call da cawps

2.) He's a spic.

3.) Lol Spic. Nah, I'm just kidding. I love you buddy.
by VanillaCoffee June 30, 2010
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A person of Spanish decent. They can be identifiying features include but are not limited to: worthlessness, refusal to learn English, exploitation of this country, not being able to drive, thinking this country is theirs, the use of the emergency room as their primary care physician and not paying the bill, living 20+ people to a one family home, pushing double seated strollers with the plastic covers, digging through your recyclables and shopping at goodwill.
Look at that 4 foot tall little brown motherfucker with his Native American looking wife with the flat square ass and no tits. Stupid Spic!
by Dirt Dawger March 19, 2014
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