To rush someone in the game of Runescape, usually with dragon claws, but it can be improvised by using vesta's long sword, or dragon dagger (p++). This phrase was started by Sparc Mac, one of Runescape's most well known pkers.
"You just got Ninja Turtled, bitch! GF dart eper! Ninja Turtling owns!"
by reborn296 October 10, 2009
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Whilst having your ass licked, sneakily push out a turtles head and quickly retract again. Causing surprise & delight.
She was giving me anal pleasure when a Ninja turtle appeared and disappered. she asked, what the f**ck was that. I said I did'nt know.
by Domotello May 4, 2007
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four people high fiving each other over someones back ninja turtle style.this act is similar to the Eiffle tower.
we ninja turtled "Jack"when he knelt down to clean.
by Sofera July 2, 2006
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In prison slang, it means: Guards dressed in full riot gear. Also known as “hats and bats.”
''When a riot starts the ninja turtles come.''
by Neacher May 18, 2013
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When you have a very sudden and extreme need to use a toilet.

Derived from "turtle head poking out".

Denoting an unexpected, well-armed and violent turtle, a pissed-off Raphael in your stomach if you will.
A: Wow honey, that was some delicious curry and black coffee. Those green peppers sure were hot!

B: Yeah... *clutching stomach*

A: You look green. Are you okay?

B: No, I've got a ninja turtle in here. *pointing to stomach* Be right back.
by remote Erik July 11, 2008
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To clarify, there is a teenage mutant ninja turtle - a children's cartoon, and then there's "the ninja turtle". The ninja turtle is the act of taking your ballsack testicles included and flipping it around so that it sits on top of your johnson. It's best achieved on a warm day when things are hanging lose. The term originated at the University of MD fraternity scene. The ballsack resembles a turtle shell and the johnson is the turtle's head peeking out.
Jim was so drunk that he pulled down his pants and demonstrated the ninja turtle in an attempt to get Cindy's attention. But he failed miserably and went home and pulled his pud instead.
by Joe K from MD April 26, 2007
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Having sex while wearing your partner like a backpack, thereby resembling the shell of a turtle. Often performed with people who have ninja turtle names, and are little bitches who can be carried around like a baby.
Raph got so Ninja Turtled last night when I used a strap on to fuck him in the ass while he wore me like a back pack.
by Masterb8er3000 January 8, 2022
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