Some one who likes to play in anothers ass, arse ,buthole and/or anal
L; man i was balls deep in your wifes ass
D; dude your a mudder
by Sweet_Lou September 7, 2006
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Some one who likes to play in anothers ass, arse ,buthole and/or anal and get thier wank all muddy
L; man i was balls deep in your wifes ass
D; dude your a mudder
by Sweet_Lou September 7, 2006
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Alternative word for one's mother in the Ennis region of Ireland. It is occasionally spelt "muder", but the meaning remains the same.
"Hai you, don'choo be tahlkin' 'bou' my mudder or oi'll putchyowr tayte in yowr belly!!"
by Ciocrasfola December 28, 2011
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A person, usually a young teenage boy, althought can be anyone, who plays a type of MUD game (Multi-User Dungeon). These are all text based games, and so, the person who would be lame enough to do this, has NO life, hence a mudder.
Tom: You play any internet games yo?

James: Sure, I play this text-based game online called MajorMUD.

Tom: That's lame as hell dude. You mudder.
by ferm August 17, 2006
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mudder:that cherokee was so bad it ran ghostbusters off da road
by badass67 June 11, 2009
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Attempting to perform anal sex while you have whiskey dick.
I tried to put it in her butt last night after the bar but it turned into a round of tough mudder instead
by Gtoaster July 31, 2018
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-a person who is incredibly awesome and laughs/smiles uncontrollaby
-implictly saying "motherfucker"
"yo tee,your such a mudder-fugger"
"go die in a fire mudder-fugger "
by definition-dictionary. June 17, 2007
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