A caucasian female who is or ever was romantic with a black male.
I used to date that girl, but I had to break up with her because I found out that she's a mud duck.
by Chuckiefhooks February 24, 2009
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An ugly female who thinks her possessions makes her cute.
She think she cute cuz she got her own but she still a mud duck.
by realistic1 August 21, 2013
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a fuckin ugly ass bitch ......(who think that she look good)
1. Shut up you fuckin mud duck.

2. It aint nuttin in here but fuckin mud ducks.

3. Dat bitch a mud duck.
by Spady October 25, 2007
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A person who is totally complacent in substandard ideals. Usually very closed minded.
He lives in a trailer house and uses epitats eating his frozen pizza watching nascar. Such a mud duck.
by AJuaNai October 2, 2017
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A mud duck is a slutty chick that "flys from pond to pond" sleeping with dudes until one or more of them has had a piece and are done with her. Then she flys to the next pond and does the same thing. (The pond being a clique of guys that all hang with each other)
Who's the new chick hangin all over Ryan?
That's Stacy, she's the new mud duck.
by Junkins September 12, 2006
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Someone not ready for the real world (the big sea -- they're restricted to the mud, not even ready for wading in the shallows). Used by some in the navy as a disparaging term for marines and coast guard. Used also in amateur radio for people whose broadcast is weak (and therefore come through muddy with too much noise and not enough signal).
Wait here, mud duck, and let me show you how it's done.
by Eng Monger August 4, 2016
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