When you take six paces from a girl, spin 180 degrees, and masterbate furiously at her face.
I gave Kim a furious mexican standoff last night.
by Jerktart July 31, 2011
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When everyone is waiting for everyone else to make a move.
Two or more drivers approach a 4 way stop, each waiting for the other to go through is a Mexican Standoff.
by wiseman11 November 7, 2008
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A confrontation between several enemy's risking & willing to inflict damage towards each other in-order to resolve an issue. Guns are drawn and ready, neither side wants to participate in shooting but is willing if the opponent decides to fire their weapon first.
Nazi "Hear that?"
Nazi "That was the sound of my Walther pistol."
Basterd #1 "That makes two of us."
Basterd #1 "I've had a gun pointed at you since you've sat."
Nazi "Looks like we have a Mexican Standoff in our hands."
Basterd #2 "Say auf Wiedersehen to your Nazi balls!"
Boom! Boom! Boom!
by Strong Chuy February 13, 2010
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A Mexican Standoff is an impasse between three equally matched opponents, meaning there is no strategy to be taken; no one enjoys an advantage; there is no satisfactory conclusion.
A Mexican standoff between the NBN, Telstra and AT&T over who is responsible for internet issues has left customers feeling frustrated.
by royalfucker February 5, 2020
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A situation in which several people all have guns (or, occasionally, other projectile weapons) pointed at each other's heads.

The origins of the 'Mexican' part is unknown
Do we really need the Mexican standoff scene?
by Darth Ridley September 21, 2006
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Do not expect to get the same result from those of Mexicans portrayed in Hollywood movies.
Mexican standoff involves two individuals that are not able to come a resolution but neighter wants to compromise.
by Steel-rain December 12, 2010
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When there are too many guys at a party and only a few females to go around. None of the men want to leave because each thinks he will be the one to get lucky.
Dude, this party's a sausage-fest. Let's leave, it's looking like a Mexican Standoff.
by Salvy Blaze March 16, 2011
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