When a dude with a huge cock tries to fuck a virgin pussy, his cock (log) gets stuck
MOCO doesn't want a log jam so he avoids fucking virgins.
by MOCO & P-Phat February 11, 2009
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When your trying to poop and it gets stuck in the hole. (Constipation)
"I tried to let 'er go but i had a log jam"
by jordan b November 19, 2003
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the act of having a penis in both the ass and vagina and having the both cocks being stuck inside at once or one cock forcing the other or denying entry
I couldn't get my cock in her ass because of the log jam in her vag
by kwigibo June 28, 2007
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When a man sits on a toilet to shit with high water and it "jams" under his balls in the water.
I sat on the hotel toilet to sit and the water was so high I had a log jam.
by Chevygal October 7, 2015
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Any social setting (bar, party, etc.) where the majority attending are male. The few girls in attendance have two or more males vying for attention – a log jam!
I went to ladies night at the bar last night. There were only three girls - a log jam.
by MROZ December 7, 2005
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When two males are in the Eifel tower position and thrust at each other simultaneously, Effectively causing a log jam
Me and The Gooch were Eifeling this bitch when we both hammered at the same time causing quite the log jam.
by Keltic thundar March 9, 2010
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The act of sticking one's thumb between somebody else's butt cheeks and announcing "Log Jam!". This is not a sexual act, it is performed externally while the recipient is wearing pants. Best performed in front of other people.
Nick, standing behind Frank waiting in line at the cafeteria, jams his thumb up between Frank's butt cheeks and yells "Log jam!"
by legsalad January 17, 2011
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