When you and/or your friend type something in a group chat that is related to something only you two know so you send the you know that i know that you know that i know and confuses everyone else
Friend 1: has crush on John

*in le group chat*
Friend 1: why the hell is John's name in there
Friend 2: you know that i know that you know that i know
Friend 1: ahh yes
Everyone else: i am confusion
by RapoloMan January 10, 2020
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..said when someone prefers their own definition after being given credible evidence to the contrary.
"Don't you try to tell me what that means, I know what I know!"
by CryptoFaz April 12, 2022
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A phrase said after you've massacred someone's pride.
"You really look hideous today"


"But don't worry! You know I love ya!"
by twiztidmeow May 22, 2004
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A phrase used to minimize the damage after insulting someone. Often accompanied by "I didn't mean that" or "Just kidding".
Damm you're so fat, you can't even jump to a conclusion...Ha Ha just kidding...you know I love ya.
by Lalit May 23, 2004
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a good opportunity to say this phrase would be after cracking a joke about someone that is somewhat insulting, but not taken to the heart.
by Melanie May 21, 2004
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used after insulting or making a joke of someone, to make them feel better
Dude that was cold!
Oh, you know I love ya.
by commoner May 22, 2004
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1 No answer really or 2 .the start of a possible lie. 3. Fear of saying no. 4. Fear of giving the wrong answer. 5 Funny goofy way to avoid the real question.
Did you see anyone you know at the party? Yes-know-i-don't-know
by whittle myself the kind June 18, 2015
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