to steal someones eye during a helecopter ride in the upright possition.
by Squeky Clean February 13, 2005
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When a person uses their busted teeth to cut someone during oral sex
I was getting head the other day and that bitch gave me a Missouri Jack Knife!
by loafnaround September 3, 2020
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A person who performs illegal abortions. This term is used in the Jethro Tull song "Cross-Eyed Mary," which is about a very young prostitute.
"She dines in Hampstead village on expense accounted gruel,
And the jack knife barber drops her off at school."
Mary had an unexpected surprise, so she paid a visit to the jack knife barber.
by mito0 August 18, 2008
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Sexual position:
male lays on his left side, woman (or other male) on her back. they are at a 90 degree angle of each other. the female (other male) can either put both her/his legs on top of the male on his side or they can put their legs every other (his/hers/his/hers).
Honey, wanna do the texas jack knife?
by TiaEveAvrilZen July 6, 2008
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1. In a highway with three or more lanes, driving from the left-most lane to the right-most lane and back again (or vice versa); more impressive with one or more cars in the middle; no turn signal should be used.

2. The act of performing a back-to-back Puerto Rican sweep.
1. "Man, I'm going to need to Jewish jack-knife around these bitches."

2. "Dude, watch this."
by Stinky Finger McGee November 5, 2004
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nothing jewish bout that, you just described driving in jersey
"wtf, did you see that mofo in the red pontiac go thru 4 lanes without signaling?"
"yeah, you in piscataway now dude"
by a triple h December 7, 2004
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A Rusty Jack Knife is a slang term for a geriatric man who porks women much younger than him. The "Rusty Jack Knife" comes in to play as a reference to his penis, which, aged, is rusty (hard to get erect), jacked (may have liver spots or warts), and knifed (smaller than the original youth size.)
"God damn! That old guy is a Rusty Jack Knife!"
by The Masticator May 3, 2005
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