Suburban white slang for "what's up"

made up by the stubs at caldwell..
Ryan mcgee: Ka... you got a nice ass there big guy!
by wjiwaij October 25, 2010
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a ho call, a way of telling your boys there is a hot honey up ahead
by DJgreensauce April 27, 2005
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ka sounds just like it looks. ka. when i was younger and my parents took us to mass, there was always a chinese couple who sat in front of us, caddy corner, indian style on the pew. one day, the woman must have had some sinus congestion or something, so out of nowhere, she begins to sneeze. after a few unproductive sneezes, she gathers her phlegm and watch out - KA - it went flying in the church. KA is the sound she made as her mucus flew and joined the choir sitting in front of us. (ok, well, i dont know where it really went, but it was funny as hell and we laugh about it to this day!
by tracey January 17, 2005
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A prefix for any word. If said word starts with a vowel, the A is dropped and replaced with an apostraphe.
I k'ave 2 ka-go to teh ka-bathroom.
by Burkshifter February 12, 2005
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Derived principally from AKA, a shortening of the phrase, "Known as," rather than, "Also Known As."
It's that crazy guy, KA Shopping-Cart Steve.
by Der Capitan December 7, 2003
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1. cross-eyed or cockeyed
2. grade school children's euphamism for shit

Note: Term was used a few times by "Al" on the tv show QUANTUM LEAP; which definition was intended is a matter of personal interpretation.
"His view of the situation is ka ka."

"I just made a ka ka in my pants."
by The Doctor September 2, 2004
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