Awesome name for a future sexy baby girl! Usually Joselyns are sexy, beautiful, talented, artistic, fierce and sometimes cute.
Joselyn is sure pretty.
by Woahrawr August 18, 2009
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Is an mexican she’s a amazing and caring person, she loves her friends and her family, when someone needs her she’ll be there, she spends most of her time playing video games. Most of her hobbies include socializing with her friends.
by Josiiii February 26, 2019
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An awesome name said the same as Jocelyn only spelled with an 's' instead of a 'c'.
Joselyn is going to go to the store later tonight.
by Joselyn Woods March 30, 2008
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Joselyn is a Latina with brown eyes , dimples and a very nice smile If u ever come across a girl named joselyn u will be very lucky. She will always brighten up your day if your ever sad or if your going threw somthing She can be shy at first but once u get to know her u will be one happy person. She can seem nice but if u ever mess with her or break her heart u will very much regret it. joselyn is a girl with the best personality ever, and if she also likes kicking people hard
Joselyn:*kicks someone*
Joselyn:kick me
by Day maker🙃 September 3, 2019
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Joselyn is a curly headed girl how doesn't like when people touch her hair. She wears glasses and is Dominican
Girl 1: Joselyn can I touch?
Joselyn: 🙆 ♀️
by Friends! December 20, 2019
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