'Go Stephen Fleming, hit em for sux!'
by 173429 March 20, 2007
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This suxs!
by Luke Jones February 7, 2003
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A way to describe someone who really {sucks} but also is kinda your friend.
Person 1: Wow Bailey really sux
Person 2: But aren't you still friends?
Persons 1: Yes but she sux
by PuggyGal May 14, 2018
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2 mean somting is bad or 2 ones dislike
im so riggin bored this sux
by Anonymous July 13, 2003
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Sport Utility Xrossover - station wagons that wish they were sport utility vehicles.
That SUX, its just a glorified station wagon.
by DrMario November 12, 2010
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Roblox guy: wanna have sux
Roblox girl: no
by BlowOnMyPoopPipe69 January 12, 2020
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Attempting to have horrible drunken sex.
When I got home from Buddies last night, I could hear Joe Paszkiewicz having sux with his pocket pussy.
by bjm1717 March 16, 2009
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