Indie girls are all about the image, creating an interesting irony as they spend all their time and effort reading up on obscure bands and shopping in thrift stores cultivating the illusion that they couldn't give a damn. They could. As a self professed Indie Kid I'll admit that I Band bash like there's no tomorrow and am well aware that 'your favourite band sucks'.

Indie Girls can be seen as stuck up, but this is an ignorant misconception. Individuals are stuck up, not sub or forefront (storefront?) cultures. All self loving (or loathing if you're that way inclined) groups eminate antagonism at one time or another, mainly because we have developed an obsession for labels. What's with the Indie Kid/Emo/Hardcore Kid turf war? We all try way too hard, and if that results in resentment based on what you wear or the music you listen to, so be it. I pesonally find Indie music more gritty and subversive, but thats just me.

Back to Indie girls. Wears stovepipe jeans or twee dresses/skirts, vintage tees and oversized beaded sweaters. Pays attention to her overall appearance, although would love you to think it's all effortless.

As opposed to an emo or scene kid she's unlikely to go overboard on the eye-makeup or hair gel. Cropped or shaggy hair with long prominant fringes are common. Accesorises with beads, bright nail paint and plastic jewlery.

If you think that the music on the OC is indie, then you're not an indie kid.
Fads fall out of Vogue with the indie girls and boys and land in the GAP.
by Rigby Bum July 13, 2006
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There is a way to be an indie girl. You're listening to music almost 24/7, you get clothes from mainly vintage shops, Urban Outfitters, and American Apparel. They're usually really skinny, and most are vegetarians/vegans. Bands like Fleet Foxes appeal to indie girls. And all are adorable! They like the earth, too.
Indie is awesome. Indie girls are cool.
by elephantluvr2 July 11, 2009
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Well this is how to spot/be an indie girl.

First we will start with clothing:
Denim and leather jackets, duffle coats or a faux fur coat.
Skinny jeans in black or dark blue, denim mini skirts or denim hotpants.
Vintage dresses from the 50s/60s.
Band t-shirts and tops that have a lot of sequins.
Old jumpers with holes in.
Waist belts.
Gold bangles, lots of rings and gold necklaces and beads.
Scruffed up ballet pumps and old skool trainers and ankle boots.
Anything leopard print.

Scruffy and messy
lots of layers
bangs that go all the way into your eyes
or maybe a straight bob
black, brown, blonde hair or bleached hair

Make up will be fairy natural but often they will have smokey eyes and amy winehouse eyeliner.
Red lipstick for special occasions.

Nail varnish will be red or black

Indie girls:
Know of a million bands that you don't.
Know a lot about most kinds of music not only indie.
Go to gigs in grotty venues and pubs.
Drink vodka and coke.
Are arty; making music, painting, photography, making clothes.
Are intelligent and know about current affairs.
Have read lots of books.
Love art house films and cult films.
Only go for indie boys and they are even better if they are in some band.
Always do well in school.
Smoke marlboro reds or lights.
Some even roll their own but only Golden V or white drum.
Mostly are skinny so they dont look fat next to their indie boyfriends and can share skinny jeans.
Go to the music festivals like Glasto or Reading.
go to any klaxon, jamie t, kate nash gig and believe me there will be hundreds of indie girls!
by ruby_blue January 31, 2008
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An incredibly cool girl. Who listens to a wide range of unknown music. She also must be incredibly witty.

She usually likes to dress sharp maybe with a tie. Unlike Avril Lavigne ties. Indie Girls wear them tight and normal not ghey-like. Usually with a nice polo or sweatervest. Indie girls also usually have glasses. You better be pretty damn Indie to make up for not having glasses. If you're a hard-core Indie chick you'll wear blazers with your ties. But not just any blazers. Tweed blazers and pinstripe only. Also, don't match too much. If you do it'll lookliek you tried to hard to look indie, and you don't want that. Even if no one can see your socks that day, wear two different socks. it's totally unique and it looks like you are poor/don't care.

Shoes are a major part of my indie girl life. And they should be a part of your indie girl life too. I like to wear and and every shoe I can find. Wing-tips, dress shoes, plaid clogs, bowling shoes, chuck taylors, bare foot, doc martens, be creative.

To indie girls hair = everything. You can go a bit daring and cut it all off for that short indie mod look. Of keep it long and make it totally layered and haute.

If you don't love to read. Don't you dare call yourself indie. I'll come kill you. :-) Now indie kids are all about being themselves. You better have an awesome unique personality if you want indie friends. If you don't have a sarcastic sense of humor and don't love comedies just curl up in a ball and die. Now indie girls have to have this whole I'm just a dorky indie chick presence. Everyone loves that. Other females will befriend you because they know that you will never be cooler than them. When actually, you're probably the coolest chica ever. Of course, you don't show it.

Being and indie chick is really hard. You set the tone for everyone. If you're listening to something new, don't tell everyone about it. Unless you wnat it to be on MTV next week. Loser.<3
Normal Girl: Hey what are you listening to?

Indie Girl: Music you can't appreciate because you'll just blow its "down to earthness" out of proportion and make it mainstream crap.

Normal Girl: Cool.
by Indie Chica May 3, 2006
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A girl who listens to indie music, folk, or alternative. usually have long wavy or straight hair, and wears dresses and ballet flats from vintage stores. Indie girls might have a tons of owl,birds, or fish accesories. Usually are free with their mind and are really happy, and some but not all are artistic and into photography with Holga cameras, fish-eyes, or any type of polaroid. shops at Urban Outfitters, American Apperal, and other thrift stores you've never heard of.

Usually loves coffee or tea shops and plays the acoustic guitar every Live Mic Nights.
Thing 1: "Who's that girl, over there in the corner taking pictures?"
Thing 2: " which one?"
Thing 1: "you know that girl over there, the one in the vintage dress, and curly hair, with Toms."
Thing 2: "oh her, that's Fiona Apple. She's new she's a Indie Girl that just transfered here, she's really pretty."
Thing 1: " oh i never met her... but she seems cool."
by Owl Owl Eyes! May 5, 2010
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If you are looking this up, your either curious to what Indie really is, or you want to be Indie.
I hate to break it to you, but Indie isn't quite what you think it is.
Indie means independently owned, such as music and films.
But there's this silly thing called MTV who started this craze called Indie. Its just another stereo typical fad that has high schools and young adults crazy.

So what is Indie you ask, Indie is, like I said Independently owned ...
You cannot BE Indie. You either listen to independently owned music or watch independently made films.
But, MTV started the craze of "indie". You know that cool kid that everyone knows. Listens to obscure bands that are just that much cooler than what you listen to. And they seem that much cooler than you.
A stereo typical indie kid is plaid shirts, skinny jeans, random haircut.
But Indie isn't that. Those people are just hipsters.
It doesn't matter how many countless times people say that indie is just independent thinking, IT ISN'T!
It is a type of music or film.
Even if someone said, I like the genre of Indie

Thank you for your time :)
I'm just sick of all this stereo typing
Boy: *listening to iPod*
Girl: Oh my gosh is that Modest Mouse?
Boy: Yes, yes it is
Girl: I love love love Indie music!
Boy: Well, it isn't really Indie..
Girl: It falls under that genre, right. I'm kind of an Indie Girl myself..
Boy: Just because its kind of folk and its a dude with a cool haircut, does NOT mean he's indie. And you aren't indie. Your just a girl who is acting something she isn't wearing super tight skinnies. You try hard
Walks off
by whyhellotherelittleone August 31, 2010
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Technically, an indie girl is a girl who does what she prefers, regardless of what is "mainstream" and popular at the time.

Nowadays, an indie girl is a pretentious snob who looks down on all music genres except for those underground. Often spends parents' money to feed her image. And drinks at Starbucks regularly, despite her "indie" image.
"Look at those weird boots, she's so indie."

"That pretentious poser bitch over there is an indie girl."
by kaboomdeboom July 23, 2008
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