Another word fo prision, jail, pen, crowbar hotel...and so on.
Zach went to the slammer fo robbin a bank.
by cartman5000 August 9, 2004
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People that use intravenous drugs. Esp Heroin. And are addicted.
He has been slammen for eight years now so his shit is always right,if I wanted baby laxitive I would go to Wallgreens. Daved gets 'Getto Boy' stamp bags so it slams you righteously.. Be carefull you don't fall out, this stuff is for a real slammer
by John N Toxey February 19, 2008
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"Jimmy has gone away to the slammer for a very, very long time.
by Anonymous September 1, 2003
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Being drunk past hammered, to the point where black out might occur, but not bad enough to pass out, slurring is a mojor factor in this state of drunkeness, always a good time.
Lulu , after 8 shots stumbled up to the mic and started singing "push it", when peanut yelled from the crowd "that bitch is slammered"
by Peanut21 July 16, 2008
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Internet virus that caused chaos in supposedly secure systems in early 2003.
The quantity of network traffic generated by the slammer worm was an order of magnitude greater than anything we had seen before.
by Matt Coffey June 10, 2005
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A performance poet that competes in poetry slams, which are competitive, judged poetry readings. A slammer is also called simply a slam poet.
At the coffeeshop last night, the best slammer won the poetry slam.
by Christopher Fox Graham April 28, 2006
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Heavy metal disc used in the activity of Pogs.
"Hey mister, I need to use the slammer so I can win those neat pogs."
by JwC October 13, 2004
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