Generally guys, but may also refer to girls in a non-negative connotative form, who are constantly texting others of the same sex in a nonchalant matter generally leading to nowhere.
Jr: Ayy man what are you doing?
Rolo: I'm texting Christian.
Jr: About what?
Rolo: I dk, i just felt like texting him
Jr: You're always texting other guys. You're such a homotextual!!!
by SortaTaken93 April 12, 2009
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A male who engages in text messages with another man in a gay manner but is not actually gay.
Russ texted Matt to come sit on his face, but has no intentions of actually doing it. He’s such a homotextual
by Niggy Azalea July 16, 2019
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Google penalizes sites which allow homotextual text in their PageRank system.
by Information Express August 15, 2006
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the act of one Male friend to constantly text another Male friend for the express purpose of 'saying Hi' or to merely see how another Male friend is doing. This egregious act by a Male friend undermines the "Bro Code" by attempting to replicate a spousal relationship between the two Male friends
Guy 1: Hey Buddy
Guy 2: Hey, what's up?

Guy 1: Just thought I would say Hi

Guy 2: Hi

Guy 1: How's your day going?
Guy 2: Why do you have to act so Homotextual all the time?!? if you keep it up then I am going to break your fingers so you can't text me anymore

Guy 1: I don't even know who you are anymore? You are just so mean
by Billy BottleService January 4, 2011
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A male who engages in text messages with another man in a gay manner but is not actually gay.
Russ texted Matt to come sit on his face, but has no intentions of actually doing it. He’s such a homotextual
by Niggy Azalea July 16, 2019
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A person who sends the gayest text messages to his/her friends.
Renaldo's text messages say things that make him gayer than ever. I consider him homotextual.
by Wizard Toast October 24, 2010
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When two people over seventy, of the same sex, learn to text each other.
My grandmother and her friend Phillis are now sending text messages to each other. I guess they are experiencing latent homotextuality.
by Bucksnarly March 18, 2009
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