A lying, stealing bastard who inflicted misery on millions of British citizens, by destroying pensions, business, over-taxing, over-borrowing and generally fucking up the economy he inherited in May 1997.
Gordon Brown, assinated in May 2004 on HM The Queen's orders.
Ending Widows Benefit, means testing benefits, raising taxes. The Anti-Robin Hood: Brown steals from everybody then gives to the rich.
by Gremlin February 11, 2005
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bush's new poodle used to take over the world
Tony Blair had to leave so George W Bush has a new lapdog named gordon brown in his quest to take over the world
by govhater July 30, 2007
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the leader of the u.k
who got into the postion of PM by chance who couldnt win an election if he cured cancer solved world hunger and got rid of communsim he always wanted to be a PM and when he finaly did get the place he fucked it up like the way the germans fucked up ww2
boy1.Hey i just found out gordon browns my dad
boy2.Why are you telling me this?
boy1.Because iam going to go hang myself now

by hi my names bob April 15, 2010
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A penis in a suit.

He stands erected in the House of Commons, fucked the economy, and pretty much the whole country, but can't be fucked back.
Bill : "Look, Genitals Brown is on the TV again"

Jon : "You mean Gordon Brown?"

Bill : "Uh.. Yea, Genitals Brown"
by Richi Rich July 21, 2009
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Current Labour Prime minister in United Kingdom. Has never stood as Prime Minister in a general election and intends to surrender United Kingdom to be ruled by unelected foreigners in European Union against the will of the people of UK. Considered a traitor to UK by many of its people.

Last job taxman expert at taking money off british people not so good at spending it wisely
Despite massive calls Gordon Brown refuses to give the people a say on European Union.
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Gordon Brown (British Prime minister) is a, dour, and morbid, scotsman in private, similar to the character called "Private Frazer" from "dads army". He broods over how much he hates the sassenach English and about how we are "all doomed, aye doooomed I tell ye"
In his spare time, Gordon Brown, likes to cook haggis and do a sword dance while wearing his dads tartan skirt (he is too mean to buy his own (typical Jock)). Occassionaly he is found slumped at his desk much the the worse for his whiskey swilling sessions where a "wee dram" often turns into a few pints of single malt from the supermarket (£6.99 Asda - the stingy bastard) He is most notable for being a notorious thief who allowed his friend Tony Blair to push billions of tax payers money to companies who swindled us in over-extravagant technology deals.

Gordon Brown is also a name synonymous with a womans vaginal region (cunt)
1st man:
What on earth is that scottish twat doing in a English parliament telling us what we can and cannot do?
Lets send our Mp's to scotland and tell them tightfisted gingernuts what they can do with their spare cash and time huh?

2nd man:
Youre right there, but what I want to know is, why isnt Scunthorpe spelt Sgordonbrownthorpe

1st man : Aye I know who put gordon brown in parliament but who put the Cunt in Scunthorpe
by fred sez shag January 31, 2008
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Fat dickhead who's the prime minister of Britain who needs to be shot.
Hey, save some of Gordon Brown's flab for me!
by BigT 747 August 31, 2007
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