Genk (full: KRC Genk) is a Belgian soccer team, who became champions of Belgium in 1999, 2002 and 2011.
Jan: "I'm going to see the game between Genk and Standard this evening!"
Kurt: "Forza Racing Genk"
by G98 February 6, 2018
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To jizz, cum or spray semen.
"...And then I genked all over her tits."

"I couldn't control myself so I just ended up genking everywhere"
by GenkGalore December 3, 2011
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So I was supposed to have a date with that hot chick Jessica, but she was a total genk and called to tell me she couldn't come.
by nachtgewächse March 13, 2009
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An adjective describing an experience or object that is extremely pleasant, but in a peculiar or unusual way.
"that acid trip really freaked me was totally genking"
by Stephen Genking May 10, 2005
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Term adopted from Japanese into the English used chiefly by Japan-dwelling gaijin, meaning to overcome, by will, a deficiency in genkiness, i.e. the degree of being genki, where genki has the Japanese meaning of possessing high degree of health, vitality and/or energy.

Use of this term has nothing to do with being Wapanese if used by an expat living in Japan or when conversing with current or former inhabitants of Japan.

Not to be confused with any of the definitions provided of genk (or any other English language terms adopted from non-Japanese language origin).
Whaddya mean you're not drinking tonight? Genk the fuck up, man! (in this sense, compare harden up, harden the fuck up)

Ahh, you're sick, huh? Hope you genk up soon!
by tokyodweller April 19, 2009
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You excrete into a glass jar, and leave it to ferment on a windowsill for a month with a balloon placed over the top. You then inhale the fumes from the balloons, giving you a high.
Greek boy: Walaham-le-Pillows is crazy. They were huffing genk all night.
by Greendog1 January 13, 2015
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