To engage in a conversation of a highly technical nature, typically with some other members of the party you are with, completely (and usually inadvertently) alienating others in the process.
We were having a great conversation about how bad Windows was, when suddenly Bill started geeking out about assembler code on a PDP-10.
by ke6isf September 9, 2004
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To become enthralled in an uncontrolable fit of laughter losing all thought processes and many fine motor skills. Usually occurs after smoking the reefer.
After seven bong rips, I looked at my friend carresing a can of tuna and started geeking out.
by Mike October 26, 2004
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1. when a geek is captivated by anything geeky, for

example their computer, causing them to totally

disregard the time and the people around them.

2. common reason why a geek is "running late" to an

event or even work.

3. a way for a geek to express their true geekiness

without inflicting boredom on their loved ones
Girlfriend: "Hey honey guess what? Blah blah blah blah blah...."

Boyfriend: no response

Girlfriend: "HELLO!!!! Did you hear what I said!!"

Boyfriend "Oh sorry babe I had my head phones on 'cause I was totally geeking out. Wanna see my new drake?"
by greencat February 6, 2010
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Laughing, abnormally and uncontrollably, due to the consumption of Marijuana.
Laughter is often accompanied by tears and occurs, most often, in the early stages of one's relationship with Marijuana - with instances becoming fewer with (smoking) experience.
Often while geeking out, one's abdominal muscles will begin to cramp and his friends will either try to prolong the geek session by being randomly funny or become extremely annoyed.
Pud: Are you guys going to be smoking Marijuana all night?
Rouw: Yeah man, this is some good shit.
Mule: Hell yeah... I need to squat down. I just ate that half-pound ben's burger in 36 seconds.
Snood: hahahahaaha!!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!
Rouw: Damn, snood's geeking out! Stop geeking snood!
by Sam R. - 1998 May 16, 2008
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The act of doing something exceptionally geeky. Especially in the case of something that requires prolonged planning or preparation.
College student1: Hey where's Chuck?
College Student2: dude... he's totally geeking out today at some Star Trek convention or something today.
by Alex January 22, 2004
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Obsessed with. Consumed by. Usually in relation to technology or science fiction.
I geeked out last weekend and learned Klingon after watching every episode of Star Trek, the Next Generation.
by Mark January 6, 2005
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1. To participate in or talk excessively about a current interest or obsession which is not part of mainstream culture.

2. To enthusiastically share details about a current interest which is of little or no importance to your audience.
She told me not to geek out about capoeira unless I had something new to say.
by Julie Halsema April 20, 2006
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