When you fart so hard you accidently release a turd.
Eww!! I think the guy in front of us just Garbooned himself!!
by chickwhorocks April 17, 2011
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A nickname for the ‘barbz’ (Nicki Minaj’s fanbase). Barb + baboon = garboon.
Those garboons are hating on everyone who dislikes Nicki
by PignickaTanked July 15, 2021
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a) garbage baboon b) a number of morally defunct black people found in South Florida c) black person of poor taste and manners d) black garbage man
What happened to your stereo system?" "Some jerk-off Garboon broke my car window and cold macked it.
by Joey LeToilette December 30, 2011
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A wealthy Tycoon who made his fortune in garbage collection.
Perpendicular Telly enjoyed sailing his yacht through the Greek isles. Life as a garboon couldn't get any better.
by Brian Lacker August 11, 2006
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small particles of feces caught in anal hair dingleball

This was devised by a friend in college.
ow! I got some nasty garboons today.
by TheKid February 3, 2005
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to steal your buddies chick. cock-blocking
oh shit, he just garbooned your girl.
why'd you let him garboon you like that?
dont be such a garbooner.
stop garbooning my girl man.
by Cullen Herrera November 24, 2010
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To plunge a victim's head into a toilet, preferably while flushing.
"I knew I should've garbooned Lee Ann when I had the chance!"
by Francis Buchwalder November 11, 2003
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