After I went Bin Laden on George , he moved to LA and officially became FILA.
by Fat Joe September 24, 2003
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used by the first American slave when they arrived in the United States Of America, meaning:
F- finally
I- i
L- left
A- africa
slave got off ship, "FILA".
could really mean something else, but that's what he said.
by crippled elf October 9, 2005
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F- Folk
I- I
L- Love
A- Always
Fila means folk i love always
by Lil Tripp February 2, 2008
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Fila is a beautiful, caring, and a kind girl. She is a best friend anyone would ever ask for. She maybe might come off easy at first, but once she gets to be your friend, she will change. She is such a sweet girl, but sometimes bitchy if you say something to make her mad. Other than that, She is such a loyal friend and trustworthy.
Jacob: Who is that over there?! She is so hot!

Kristen: oh her? Just a loyal friend, Fila!
by likey123 April 16, 2020
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A brand you wear to tell somebody you want a Fila their nuts
person:hey i see you like Fila
Guy with Fila shirt:Yeah
person: Want a Fila Deez Nuts?
by Granny jojo October 26, 2018
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