various activities ranging from aerobic, wieght lifting, combined with a proper diet, lazy fat people would have nothing to complain about, granted they don't have a heart attack of some sort while complaining.

Don't break a sweat trying to read this wouldn't want you passing out before you exercise.
by C-bass503 November 29, 2006
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Actions involving effort that most people reading this would not do.
by Armoured_Potato February 21, 2013
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Something yo fatass should be doing right now.
Fit Friend: Dude you really need some exercise, you have been in the house for days playing god of war
Fatass: Nah m8, I might die out there fam.
by XChristinaXx June 27, 2017
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Time wasted trying to look less fat. Not recomended for fat asses.
May cause heart attack and muscle falure.
Fat ass "dude im so fat, maybe i should start exercising"

Mom "you wouldnt want to do that dear, you would kill yourself"
by I hate preps October 15, 2008
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It's fun to do.
Josh Polywogg said that exercising is fun to do and when Josh told me he was going to exercise I caught him whacking off in my tool shed after he told me he was going out for some exercise.
by Pumping up September 26, 2010
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