The eating of ass with the tongue
Bro I put my tongue in her ass last it was the best booty eating ever
by Antony Harbey May 5, 2015
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Eating the booty like groceries is when one person licks another person asshole as if they were eating a meal out of the anal cavity using only the tongue.
Jane told her friends "John was eating the booty like groceries."
by SamiiThoo August 8, 2015
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Eating that booty like some ramen noodles
*Eats booty*
“Yo, how she was?”
“Bruh, I ate that booty like groceries, you know what I’m sayin!”
“DAMN bruh you be eating the booty like groceries?”
“EASY bruh 1, 2, 3 bruh”
by BigBootyEater69Master4Life March 17, 2019
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A dangerous disease in which you impulsively eat any booty you can see. Very hard to over come but can be controlled by going to church.
John: The other day I was in class and Mr.Jones bent over to pick up a pen, I told him I had Booty Eating Syndrome but he didn't believe me and I ate his booty, now I'm banned from Mr.Jones class.
by ImTheDamned February 19, 2017
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