To engage in pedophilia while at the same time claiming gay and transgender individuals are the ones posing a risk to children.
Say Josh, what in the duggaring hell are you doing with your sister(s)?
by Terrordactyl May 22, 2015
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(verb) - to assault or abuse a person, especially a woman or child sexually

Verbified after the announcement of the Duggar family that their son molested his sisters.
"A friend told me Josh admitted that he duggared his sister."
"I was duggared by my brother."
by NeedyUrologist May 22, 2015
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Sexually molesting one's siblings while parents encourage, promote, cover up, or actively participate in the act of molestation.
""He duggared his sisters for years while his parents covered up for him and his church encouraged it".
by i999shadow June 7, 2015
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The head hypocrite. A duggar not only rails against behaviour he gleefully does in private, but he leads the parade against said behaviour.

In Psychoanalysis there is a defense mechanism called reaction formation where a person behaves in an opposite way to his private behaviour, which is fueled by a repressed impulse. The duggar, however, is conscious of and delights in the forbidden private behaviour.

The orders of magnitude are thus: There is denial; reaction formation is denial on steroids; being a duggar is reaction formation on steroids.
Larry Craig was, for the most part, a hapless guy in denial, but Ted Haggard was a full-blown duggar.

hypocrite denial reaction formation
by thistlebottom September 5, 2015
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Noun, singluar
Strict christian patriarchy effective on all women making them serve their families for years for no pay, and making wives have more babies than their bodies can handle and then trumpeting your lifestyle as something other people should follow.
I tried to duggar it up, but my daughter went to college and got a job, so no one believed me.
by OnceFundieFly August 20, 2015
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Creeps. Eerie feeling that one should run and call the police.
The skeevy guest of the neighbors gave me the duggars.
by pseudoman6 August 20, 2015
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To be diddled by your brother and your parents blame you for it. See also "duggared" or "Duggar's."
Tony is serving time for duggaring his sister though she is now shunned from the family for being a tease by wearing her winter coat in his presence.
by SaveTheSherman May 23, 2015
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