The citizens and language of Denmark. Often used synonymous with "hot", "awesome" or just "genious".
1. So, is he hot?
-He is Danish.
-Oh, I see, nice going girl!

2. Is it genious or just very clever?
-Its Danish.
-OH, wow..I wish I was Danish too.
by bookworm2000 May 31, 2008
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Danish is the language spoken in Denmark. Many Norwegian and Swedish speakers also understand Danish.

Only few words differs from Norwegian, but the pronunciation is very different. You can say Danish is Norwegian spoken with your mouth full of mashed potatoes.
"Dude, the Norwegian guy ate mashed potatoes during our conversation. It sounded Danish"
by danishguy19 March 7, 2010
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delectable treat, and a very hot sexy girrll
damn that danish was good
damn look at that danish
by danishhhhhhhhhhhh November 24, 2010
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The greatest motherfucker,... ever. Ye Digg?
Danish from L-Dub
by Rick Ross's Broke Ass Dad October 8, 2008
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The most bad-ass mother dudes in all of all of Europe.

Yeah...people from Denmark. They're danish.
Check out those Danish people, wow...i wish i was a dane. Those are some pretty 'bad-ass mother dudes' man...
by hydroxy August 7, 2006
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A Danish person is a person from Denmark who most likely loves potatoes so much they have at least one in their mouth at all times.
-I can't understand him
-No, he's Danish
by MenacingMorgan November 18, 2021
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1. The goddamn illest nationality. Denmark trumps all y'all other countries, word up fucking Americans.
Person 1. Yo Søren's Danish.
Person 2. For real, that's the sickest shit i heard all day, Søren's the fucking man
by SultanDenmark April 5, 2005
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