no, it is not a slur you fucking morons. It has existed since the dawn of time
right wingers terf: cisgender is a slur 😭😭😭😭
anybody with a functioning braincell: umm... no it aint
by sillymagicalgirl August 11, 2023
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someone who identifies as their birth gender, usually found infantilising & demonizing trans people, run the opposite direction if seen
have you heard that chelsea is cisgender?
by eggs?? May 24, 2021
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an adjective for someone whose gender corresponds to their assigned sex
I am perfectly comfortable identifying as the gender my parents put on my birth certificate. I am cisgender.
by djentlequeer March 2, 2015
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A heterophobic term used by weirdos to describe a natural functioning male or female.
Its just called me a cisgender to normalize its mental illness.
by McCodger July 24, 2022
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When a person identifies as the sex they were assigned at birth.
Alex was assigned male, and still identifies as male. This makes him cisgender.
by Alooooxxxx May 21, 2018
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A word that trans people made because they felt hurt that normal made them not normal
Person: Oh hey are you trans? I’m normal btw.
by Gameplayer5137 August 24, 2022
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adj form of cisgender

The opposite of transgendered, someone who is cisgendered has a gender identity that agrees with their societally recognized sex.

Many transgender people prefer "cisgender" to "biological", "genetic", or "real" male or female because of the implications of those words. Using the term "biological female" or "genetic female" to describe cisgendered individuals excludes transgendered men, who also fit that description. To call a cisgendered woman a "real woman" is exclusive of transwomen, who are considered within their communities to be "real" women, also.
Some of my friends are trans, but I'm cisgendered.
by genevieved May 25, 2006
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