There are a number of different code ciphers for different things in gaming, like message encryption and simple secrete lettering between senders. One of the most simple of ciphers is a number Cipher that consists of the 26 letters of the alphabet being coded each by number a-1, b-2, and so on. The (-) indicates letter to letter. The (,) is the space between each word. The next Cipher is a play on the alphabet. Which ever letter is above or below the letter in the cipher is how you would cipher the sentence. For instance (A) is actually the letter (N), (Y) is (M), (R) is (E) and so forth. It’s just plain fun for long road trips, classroom activity’s, and sending messages that aren’t just the same old plane Jane ILU or IMU TXTs. They also use these type of ciphers to send msgs they don't want people reading tho throw them off a trial. Old/present War tact for a strategy guide to formation.
19-5-14-4, 8-5-12-16, 11-9-12-15, 22-9-20-15-18, 25-1-14-11-5-5
9, 12-15-22-5, 13-25, 6-1-13-9-12-25
7-1-13-5-18, 6-15-18, 12-9-6-5
25-15-21-18, 4-15-7, 23-1-14-20-18, 20-15, 5-1-20, 13-25, 3-1-20
3-8-3-18-18-25, 16-9-5, 13-15-18-14-9-14-7, 20-15, 25-15-21, 4-1-18-12-9-14-7






by VYBIRLBH51893 July 21, 2010
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A secret message that can be unveiled by using a key.
Jose has a ciphering message for Jocelyn.
by jxsecvrlx May 3, 2020
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90's Political Hardcore Band from Long Island, New York in the vein of Madball, VOD and 25 Ta Life. Started out as a militant vegan straight edge band, but changed styles after being signed to Double Down Records and became a brutal moshcore band. After being in a 5 year hiatus, released "a joyful collapse" on Uprising Records in 2009.
Yo dude, I went to see Cipher and the mosh pit was completely insane!" "There was a sick pile-on during when Cipher played Perfect Circle! Siiiiick!" "The singer of Cipher is smarter than my social studies teacher, and he kicks kids in the head during breakdowns
by Neglect_Cleanser_631 December 6, 2010
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v. to think or figure out. refers to mathematical calculations in particle.
by jim June 25, 2003
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Someone desirable; One who is popular with the opposite sex
Why do so many chicks love him?

Because he's a cipher.
by Alecpolix June 22, 2011
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Type of bladed weapon; see 'Strider' series of video games
Dude, did you see that? Hiryu just busted out some sweet Cypher justice, man!
by Fuchi June 30, 2003
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A sadistic, psychopathic, Illuminati-like demon that is surprising from a Disney show. Has a cult following of sexually frustrated teenage girls. Wears a bow tie and a top hat. Known for giving deer teeth to a ten-year-old, attempting to cause the apocalypse, and pouring soda on a kid's face, from inside the kid's body. while the kid's ghost watched in horror and disgust.
by maybe i am a fish August 25, 2016
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