"Man her chonch smelled like fish."
by baybeedizzy December 3, 2009
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A female that is regarded only for her pussy, cunt, hole, whatever you call it.
I've gotta a date with this chonch tonite.
by nadda June 3, 2003
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A person that behaves like a coward.
Don't be such a chonch, get on the rollercoaster!
by BrendaZamora October 13, 2006
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An alternative name for a vape, typically used by high school students in school restrooms.
Yoo Tommy pass me your chonch
by sauce bauce September 3, 2020
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To make plans to meet somewhere and not show up
Aaron made plans to meet for sushi but he chonched us.
by big_hot_carl July 22, 2010
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Any particular vagina.

Can be used synonymously with Pussy.
Dude, stop being a chonch, and do some shots !
by Dr. W 602 March 13, 2018
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The sound affect when you eat something soft yet crunchy. It can be used as a synonym for 'eat' as long as the food is soft yet crunchy- you cannot chonch on mashed potato. It is against the rules.
"I'm just gonna chonch on this biscuit"
by eleanorhope October 25, 2017
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