When a males scrotum and penis are in eachothers places, or a females anus and vagina are in eachothers places.
"Omfg that guys a freak i've heard he's got the degrees!"
by HFX June 6, 2006
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A college dropout without a degree, yet is typically more intelligent, wise and wealthier than their college graduated peers. The term became popular after millionaire dropout JetSetFly launched The Dropout Degree Show and it became a top 10 podcast on iTunes.
Jon: I don't need college to get a job. Why am I even here?
JoeySendz: yeah bro, screw this lets get our dropout degree and become millionaire dropouts.
Jon: Alright bet, lets do it... im tryna leave the jetset life anyways.
JoeySendz: lets go baby its the jet set way
by piaheza September 30, 2022
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Something an ou tard will never own, specifically, Noah, Norman "Nick", or Henry.
Lol, that ou tard will never obtain a college degree because she went to the University of Okla(HOE)ma.
by TurnM3Up December 10, 2019
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When the bulk of one's knowledge in a particular subject has been obtained from Wikipedia.
Joe: I hear Frank split the atom in his basement!
George: Yeah, he's got his Wikipedia degree in Nuclear Physics.
by Lord Spen July 18, 2010
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When someone questions you repeatedily about a certain topic, and you wish they'd just shut up about it.
"Quit givin' me the 3rd degree about the party, okay? Nothing happened."
by Stud April 12, 2005
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Fraudulent institutions of higher education, sometimes lacking accreditation, which grant diplomas that are either fake or worthless. Historically a they have not been accredited, but with the increase of online schools, most now are accredited and offer a course load so easy, or based on loosely defined "life experience", so as to render their education valueless.

Also known as a Diploma Mill
Well known places that are degree mills include Trinity Southern University, Walden University, Trump University, Wesleyan International University, and Prixo Southern University.
by David McBride March 25, 2008
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1: an infinite amount
2: an immeasurable number which when exponentially applied to anything else becomes inconceivably massive
I've got so much homework; it sucks to the nth degree.

That squirrel looks awesome to the nth degree.
by zarthaniel March 21, 2004
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