describing any undesirable situation or when you're gettin kinda fucked up and it turns from bur bur bur to nur nur nur to passed out
by Celeste and Kayln May 27, 2003
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meaning weak wack lack of fun
or stupid or just simply not cool
it can be a noun or a verb or and adjective.
derived from busted
1. "man, why you be actin so burs'?
2. " i dont wanna go over there, thats burs'!!!
3. That was a weak superbowl, the eagles were being burs'
4. shut up you're burs'
5. yoooooooooooo, i never knew that bitch was so burs'
6. man why you buy them burs'-ass jeans?
by Vaughn Martin February 20, 2005
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Half of a beer
GUY 1: How many burs did you drink?

GUY 2: Like 10 or 12
by benstillerfaggot68 August 23, 2010
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commonly used when a person doesn't know weather to use bro or breh it is a combination of the two
wat up bur
by ninjagideo69 March 11, 2010
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AN annoying as fuck sticky plant that leaves you itching for days
jane did you ever get those burs out of yours dogs fur?
by janewasntavrgin August 29, 2018
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Urdu slang for vagina used streets of Uttar Pradesh In India and all of Pakistan,
ajib dastoor hai ghalib unka, pehantey hai muh par or kehatey hai burka
by srizwan April 27, 2007
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An advanced form of boredom. Symptoms include, fidgeting, walking from one place to another (similar to patrol function in Warcraft 3), spawning witches in Left 4 Dead and thinking about Vampire Diaries.
Kevin: Hey Jon, wutcha thinking about?
Jon: Stefan's hot ass... I'm burred as shit.
Kevin: Wanna go flip some bitches?
Jon: Now you're talking!
by AntI NortskI November 6, 2009
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