A dwarven tradition of braided ass hairs.
Gimley! the orc is dead, so dont get yer bumfuzzle in a bunch!
by chimneychangah February 10, 2015
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Bumfuzzle is a whimsical term that describes a state of confusion, perplexity, or disarray. It's like feeling utterly befuddled or lost in a situation, as if your mental compass has suddenly gone haywire, and you can't make heads or tails of things. When you're bumfuzzled, it's like being trapped in a mental labyrinth of your own making
Usage Example 1: "After reading the instructions for assembling the bookshelf, I was completely bumfuzzled and ended up with a bookshelf-shaped sculpture of frustration."

Usage Example 2: "Navigating the city's winding streets without GPS left me hopelessly bumfuzzled, and I eventually had to ask a friendly stranger for directions."
by Autterpop October 12, 2023
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to create a chaotic situation within a person's mind.
Watching too much Jeopardy while drinking shots made Jim a bumfuzzled guy!
by D.H. February 24, 2004
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slightly penetrated in the buttocks during sexual intercourse.
Adrianna was bumfuzzled after her date with greg
by xtypi September 11, 2010
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To bumfuzzle is to confuse or fluster. Bumfuzzle is most often used in the dialect of the Southern United States. It is colloquial, meaning it is typically used in informal conversation. It is very similar to bamboozle, and may be derived from it.
In an attempt to bumfuzzle his mother, Tony hid her keys in the microwave and pretended to know nothing about it.
by YourUrbanPerson March 4, 2022
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to be confused
Jack: Hey Marty, what's the answer to number 4?
Marty: I'm not sure that one bumfuzzles me?
by seton22 June 3, 2017
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