A countershutdown used when you are being shutdown, or you are at a loss for words. Commonly used over xbox live. May be used with handsignals when appropriate.
Colin: Jon you suck at call of duty

Jon: Beep Boop.
by Jwoo2 December 1, 2008
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the sound an old dial up computers makes, also often used to describe a geek/nerd.
Damian is such a beep-boop
by *reivax* November 29, 2010
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something one may say out of randomness, when they are at a loss of words, to mimic a robot, or to break an awkward silence.
sixth grade teacher: "the school has decided that my terminal brain cancer is effecting my work performance"
entire class: *flashes back to when said teacher threw a football at the girls bathroom window*
entire class: *flashes back to when said <history> teacher marked out our imaginary countries fake land with neon duck tape all over the walls and ceiling and chairs and desks, and if we accidentally stepped on each others fake land, we were forced to go to rock paper scissors war*
sixth grade teacher: "so i regret to do this, but i am being let go and filing for unemployment"
me: *starts taping my nostrils upward to my forehead*
sixth grade teacher: "hopefully if this condition can be treated or terminated, i will return back to work at this school, but for now me and my girlfriend have decided that whats best is for me to get admitted to the cleveland clinic and begin treatment"
me: *turns around to my sixth grade friend with my nostrils still taped to my forehead so i look like a pig* "beep boop"
friend: "starts maniacally laughing so hard she cries"
every other person in the room: *gives her a disgusted look*
me: *ducks my head and rips the tape off my face*

in conclusion, i am in 9th grade now and all i can say is: r.i.p Mr. Gerace.
by aamandakocsiss April 1, 2020
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When one excels at a subject in question; hypothetically, when one does something extraordinary. The term in question is used when something out of the ordinary happens when not expected, and is used when something is good and out of the ordinary. This term is typically used when talking to your boys.

Similar to "diesch", this term is also used as a synonym for sick.

Originated at St. Ambrose University.
"Oh man, check out that goal on FIFA 09... BEEP BOOP!"

"Dude, did you just see that? BEEP BOOP!!!"
by ambrosian_killaz May 7, 2009
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To describe apropriatly a males penis, dick, cock, Johnson, ect... Usually beep boop is said when there are children around or lots of people.
"Ooo damn, he got hit on his beep boop!"
by AlexTheTree January 3, 2014
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