1. A woman who is as wicked and evil as the worst of your nightmares. One with whom you do not want to upset or anger.
2. A woman who kicks people out of cars when she is angry. Not cool.
3. A woman who is ugly. Both physically and personality.
4. Typically drives a Silver Honda CRV.
5. Enjoys borrowing things and returning them at the worst times possible.
I used to date a girl by the name of Black Heart. Worst time of my life. Ever.
by Secret! =) July 14, 2008
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A water balloon with a rock inside it. Typically used by drunks, frat boys, date rapists and drunken frat boy date rapists. Or the mentally retarded. People who throw black hearts are typically murdered by their targets.
Man: "Those shit-headed frat boys threw a black heart at my windshield and so that is why I cut their testicles off and stabbed them to death."

Officer: "Oh! A black heart? That's understandable then. You're free to go."
by doublerdiner July 29, 2010
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An extremely loving person with a beautiful soul despite experiencing lots of tradgedies
Person 1-Hey did you see that woman over there with resting bitch face.

Person 2- Yea I know her she’s not really a bitch she’s just a black heart since her brother died.
by RealLexa1 March 7, 2018
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A black heart tattoo is a solider stamp you get it tatted on the left side of your eye when you kill someone or have put in work
I'm bout to go get my black heart tattoo you know I earned that.
by Brother Skalene September 30, 2022
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you care about that person more than your self like WAY MORE than your self.
boy: do u really love me?
Girl: I love you more than anything in this world 🖤
black heart: more caring of one person only "loving him/her more then you love yourself."
by Rioistaken September 30, 2020
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This is the most dark emoji heart and often used by people in the BDSM community to express they are into erotic practices.
If she uses a Black Heart Emoji 🖤 instead of ❤️ She’s into BDSM.
by D𐍉miήan†🖤 January 3, 2022
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The Black Hearts Club is YUNGBLUD's fanbase. Here's a summary of what they're all about.

We love each other unconditionally no matter if they're gay, straight, trans, or anything else. We will always support each other no matter how many times people knock us down we will always build each other back up. This community, no this family will always express itself the way it wants to. It will accept everyone who wants to be in it and it will love everyone in it no matter what. To some people, this family is all they have. Their own blood relatives could have kicked them. The BHC could be the only ones they have left and we will be here for them no matter what. I know this will sound very corny but a home doesn't need to be a house and a family doesn't need to be related. That saying is so true with the BHC we made our own family and every time we are together we make a new house we make a new safe space for people to be themselves with no one judging them.
Person: *sees my pink socks* "hey are you part of the Black Hearts Club?"
Me: "Why yes, yes I am."
by I panicked! at the wrong disco December 1, 2020
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