The ugly, surgically enhanced Simpson sister who dropped the whole "I'm as hardcore as Avril Lavigne" thing when she realized no one was buying it, not even little 11 yr olds.
Ashlee Simpson is so hardcore I cut my wrists when I listen to her.
by Angelacia May 1, 2007
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World's most prestigous hoe-down pop-star. Well known for the "oh-shit-they're-playing-the-wrong-song dance." Pop stars are usually notorious for lip-synching, but they don't go on interviews to talk down upon it, and get caught doing it on national TV afterwards.
The younger one is confused about her singing, and the older one is confused about whether chicken of the sea is really chicken or fish.
by 1.8T October 28, 2004
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One who can't sing. One who blames non talent on others. One who is booed before performance, and off the stage at the Orange Bowl. Also, a failure worthy of their own petition online demise.

See also; Milli Vanilli, Failure, Fugly
by Eric Smithson January 30, 2005
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A stupid talentless bitch who lipsyncs.
And gets boo'ed out of stadiums.
See ""
I got stabbed in the throat so I had to do an "Ashlee Simpson"
by GFY January 5, 2005
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some talentless chick caught lip-synching on LIVE tv...what a dumbass...she had the nerve to blame her band for playing the wrong so ng..then she put a statement on her website saying she had to lip-synch because of, as she wrote it, acid "refux"...she was also booed offstage at the Orange Bowl Halftime show...she makes lame-ass attempts at being punk or tomboyish...she got her own fucking show for no fucking reason...
"hi im jessica simpsons little sister, because im related to someone only slightly talented i should be rewarded with my own show and record contract, even though i suck"
by Mr. Ed March 8, 2005
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A lip syncer on snl... Looks like shit! no talent, acid-reflex is bull shit!!!!! And plus who the fuck messes up with Lip syncing...... AND BLAMBS HER FUCKING band, its bad enofgh they have to play in ur band.!
Nothing like Jessica! "my career is falling into 'peices pieces' of me". SHe should be a whore
by Fujed November 2, 2004
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