when you shove appl in ass
guy 1: hey apl
guy 2: heyo apl
guy 3:HEY GUYS WHATS UP *insert two apple in ass* HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
guy 2: god dammit man
by melancholicapple February 11, 2018
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To get screwed out of something
Bob Higman got ass appled out of eating lunch because he forgot his wallet, what a douche.
by b.nana September 30, 2007
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Person 1: Guys! Help there's a apple up my ass!!
Person 2: good
by friskat3am_ June 16, 2022
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Insult often used by unbased people to describe someone who is actually based. People who use this as an insult often have an IQ below zero. The words "ass apple" are used by people who love to practice "rolling down in the deep".
nikki - Ass apple is back
Mat-r - AHAHAHA Ass apple, btw nikki wanna do the rolling down in the deep?
nikki - SURE !!!!!!!
by oawerhg_god July 31, 2021
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A number or idea that was made up on the spot, then applied like a fact.

A conjoining of "pulling a number out of your ass" and "apple-bobbing"
FBI Senior Developer: Why is this 12-year-old marked 'high-risk hyper-violent terrorist'?
FBI Software Engineer: Because of the 20-times risk multiplier for 'plays CS:GO with low MMR' times the 976 'brushes teeth before breakfast' constant.
FBI Senior Developer: ...Nice touch on the ass apples. Keep up the good work.
FBI Software Developer: Thanks Boss.
by hodgepodger January 22, 2021
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When someone literally has NO ass to them at all, ITS FLAT.
I thought Justin looked good, then I saw he has an apple seed ass.
by loveyounot February 5, 2016
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