1. A person who cannot prove, nor disprove, the esistance of a god. Often, an agnostic is more open-minded to the beliefs of others while not discrediting them for their beliefs.

Usually does not consider themself an atheist, due to the fact that atheists actually believe in something-- i.e., there is no god.

2. One who does not participate in religion.
by ObiGabe August 16, 2006
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Somone who, when it comes to religion, doesn't give a damn either way.
Person1: Praise *name god here* !
Person2: There is no such thing as "god".
Person1&2: What do you think?
Person3: If there's a God, awesome. If there isn't, a lot of people are going to be pissed. I really don't care either way. I'm agnostic.
by *thumbsup* February 6, 2010
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Refering to a person who believes you cannot prove nor disprove an ultimate reality, specificaly in deity's

Also sometimes refered to as "weak atheists" although that is incorrect.
The term 'agnosticism' was coined by Professor T.H. Huxley at a meeting of the Metaphysical Society in 1876. He defined an agnostic as someone who disclaimed both ("strong") atheism and theism, and who believed that the question of whether a higher power existed was unsolved and insoluble. Another way of putting it is that an agnostic is someone who believes that we do not know for sure whether God exists. Some agnostics believe that we can never know.

"Weak atheism" is simple scepticism; disbelief in the existence of God.
by Jen February 1, 2004
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One who is neither ignorant enough to believe that there is a god, nor self centered enough to believe that if there was a god, he would give a flying fuck about what they do on sundays, what they eat on fridays, and what kind of facial hair they have.
Im agnostic.
by Pseudonym 1 August 31, 2008
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Someone who doesn't feel that their is enough evidence to prove or disprove god.
Just because people have different religious beliefs than that of yourself (agnostic, atheist, muslim, christian) gives you no right to make them feel terrible.
by me August 15, 2003
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One who does not presume to know anything outside of experience, and that for what it is.
Being agnostic makes you open to the possibility that there may or may not be a God, however, it extends to all ideas considerable.
by Andrew W. Graff September 8, 2003
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n. One who neither acknowledges nor refutes the existence of God
The Agnostic didn't worry about the afterlife, only that which he was living
by Griffin January 17, 2004
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