YuB is a cool YouTuber that u should watch at youtube.com/user/yub
sub or die lmao
YuB: ''OH HELLO!''
by yeetus42069 May 13, 2019
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A large quantity of any substance. Usually the largest possible size.
That is one yub of mayonnaise they sell.

" 'small' soda at the stores deli is 24oz. 'small' 'bucket' and 'yub' are their sizes. -HuweyII
by JrMint November 1, 2004
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G'day yubs, pass us another tinnie cheers mate.
by Dibbly February 14, 2018
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A word for everything. Can be used as a noun, verb and/or adjective (at the same time). It is the answer to everything Kiera!
Yubbing is the best.
Pass the yub.
That was so yub.
by Dj47?gcjd December 14, 2019
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1> the proclomation of your food arriving at the table
waitress: "who had the ham and swiss?"
Mike: "YUB YUB!"
by Mike December 8, 2003
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Confirmation of something
Person 1: Is your favorite color blue?

Person 2: Yub
by TornadoThrasher August 24, 2003
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